All the possible steps are taken by the BHL manufacturers to make it more efficient, environment-friendly and highly multi-purpose equipment. Wondering as to how this happens? How the force is transferred from your leg to the wheels of BHL? How the force is multiplied so that it stops something as big as a BHL? Well, this is achieved through the powerful brake mechanism of the BHL.
Features of BHL braking system
Some features of hydraulic power braking system in the some of the leading BHLs at present include:
- Hydraulically actuated 4-wheel braking system Self-adjusting and multi-disc brakes Completely enclosed and sealed system Ensures low effort, effective and fade-free braking Include twin brake pedals which provide tighter turning circle and enhanced steering control on slippery ground Include automatic compensation ensuring straight machine braking Ensures accumulator backup providing maximum safety under all conditions and in the case of dead engine applying 4-wheel braking Makes use of the main hydraulic system oil eliminating the need for a separate brake oil reservoir which also reduces service costs.
The reliability of the complex brake actuation system of BHL depends directly upon the quality of the data and the accuracy of the system designer. It features hydraulically actuated, self-adjusting, maintenance free, oil immersed multi-disc services brakes on the rear axle.
These days, BHLs use hydraulically actuated self-adjusting disc brakes to stop the BHLs. For China Brake drum Manufacturersreducing friction and saving fuel, increased back off in the brake packs is included The service brakes are operated by independent foot pedals, joined together for normal operation. Be it their design, structure, specification or working..
BHL braking system
Just like your car, BHL also need the brakes to stop its movement. It goes without saying that numerous factors affect the functioning of this system in a BHL. So, to achieve maximum efficiency, the BHL operator must have a thorough understanding of all the components. If we talk about the BHL braking system also, then a lot has been done on this front too. Have proportional braking effort throughout the pedal travel.
Everything is unique about the modern Backhoe Loaders (BHLs). Its parking brakes are inbuilt on the rear axle and are low-maintenance too. Backhoes also feature separate parking brake that is applied with a hand lever by the operator.
All the modern BHLs possess above mentioned features and Mahindra EarthMaster is no less. It is over-centre type, adjustable within the cab with transmission disconnect to prevent premature brake pad wear. Has knowledge and understanding of industrial machines like different type of road construction , backhoe loader , road China drum brake Suppliersconstruction machine and more.
The author is an experienced professional in construction equipment products. They should carefully study the operating parameters and performance specifications, so as to get good results.
In a nutshell
Modern braking systems of BHLs are highly sophisticated and their applications are many and varied. Parking or the secondary brakes independent of the service brake system For effective braking, the park brake is always applied to front and rear axles The integral park brake is a ball and ramp, oil immersed type located within the transmission for minimum maintenance and a long operating life